Monday 7 November 2016

unit 78 Generating Concept Art ideas for Computer Game Graphics

Level 3 games design
unit 78 Generating Concept Art ideas for Computer Game Graphics
  • G1.MP main character of my game:

This is my main character in my game I used piskel to create him as a 2D model I’m making a shooter game where you play as G1.MP and go around saving his robot friends from being scraped   

This is the outline I used to create G1.MP

This is one of the many weapons available for G1.MP and his friend to use in battle he has built in guns on his arms but he can still pick up other weapons as a boost I also used piskel to create this weapon 

This is how my character’s will get around by default they will run around with their legs however you can pick up a jet pack to get a speed boost also made in piskel

This is a health item that you pick up throughout the world that will give you one life left the life will be shown by 5 gears in the top left of the screen (the heads up display, HUD) 

This is a gear which will be the health displayed on the HUD on most games the players have hearts as life but for this because you’re a robot it’s a gear matching your robots colour scheme  

game graphics:
Print media: posters and game packaging 
in game graphics: HUD, image texture, sprite art, back ground art 
concept art graphics

I'm going to base my game audience on teenagers around the age of 12 to 18 as its in there range of interest for example adults might not find it fun but teenagers will find it fun because they're into that sort of entertainment.

What are computer game graphics? 
•Print media graphics, such as game poster, game packaging
•In-game graphics (head-up display graphics, sprite graphics, background graphics, image textures)
•Concept art graphics

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